Covid-19 Response
September 2020
Jounce has developed a robust collection of resources to support teacher development in the new environment. You can learn more about the tools and explore them below.
We’re offering them here and can supplement them with our coaching services. Interested in finding out more or partnering with Jounce? Please reach out to us!
Teacher Development for Virtual Instruction Resource - the Tools:
TEACHER DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW: Explains goals for teacher development touchpoints, suggested roles for leaders/coaches, and how each of the tools on this document work together in a teacher development system for virtual instruction.
TEACHER DEVELOPMENT PHASES OF THE YEAR: Provides starting point for the “what” of teacher development: what skills should we be developing with teachers at each point throughout the year? What should our lens be when we jump into a virtual classroom as a coach/leader?
CHECKLIST FOR COACHING - VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION: Provides a step-by-step recommendation for what coaches/leaders should do before, during, and after virtual classroom visits and coaching meetings.
COACHING MOVES - VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION: Names and describes coaching moves for the virtual context.
TEACHING MOVES - VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION: Names and describes teaching moves for the virtual context.
SAMPLE COACH SCHEDULE - VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION: Shows one way that a coach/leader can provide sufficient coaching and training to teachers each week.
INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP STRUCTURES: Provides a step-by-step recommendation for what Instructional Leadership Teams (ILTs) should do before, during, and after ILT meetings to systematically move teacher development forward.
TECHNOLOGY TOOL FUNCTIONALITIES: Lists full scope of useful functionalities for Zoom, Nearpod, Google Classroom, Seesaw, EdPuzzle, Screencastify; includes many links to tutorials and ready-to-use materials.
TEACHER DEVELOPMENT MEETING STRUCTURES: Provides a variety of meeting structures, including for one-on-one coaching meetings, content meetings, data meetings, and staff PD. Not specific to virtual instruction.
July 2020
The Jounce Reopeneing Tool is here. Learn how Jounce is providing critical support for schools facing an unprecedented challenge.
The context:
In the spring of 2020, schools and networks pivoted rapidly to provide remote learning to their students. Educators and school leaders did the best they could to deliver robust instruction with very little notice, while also working to address the basic needs of students and families. As attention shifts to the fall, schools are beginning to prepare for a wide range of contingencies for reentry and recovery.
Three things are true:
School will look dramatically different in 2020-21.
There is not currently guidance from federal, state, or local authorities about what those differences must include.
While implementing a new and untried model, schools will also have make up for students’ learning loss, and particularly for the learning loss of their most vulnerable students.
The Challenge:
Effective planning for an upcoming school year requires deep knowledge and a massive time investment, even under typical circumstances. This year, the need to plan for a variety of different scenarios will make it nearly impossible to plan each with the necessary depth.
Without adding capacity, school scenario planning will be forced into one of two untenable buckets:
Narrow and Deep – planning minute-by-minute operational and academic details of a particular approach (i.e. rolling periods of entirely remote learning), with little capacity left to fully plan for other scenarios
Broad and Shallow – planning for multiple scenarios at a high-level but without the level of detail, including tools and trainings, needed to execute effectively when school starts.
Next year, schools will have to prepare for a wide variety of uncertain contingencies. Jounce is filling the gap by developing plans for 8 scenarios, covering the spectrum from minorly disruptive distancing protocols to complete, extended closures.
To learn more about those scenarios and how the tool was developed, click here.
To support Jounce's COVID-19 response work, click here.
To inquire about a partnership with Jounce, click here.